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Tampa Collaborative Divorce Attorneys

Settling a divorce often involves the resolution of intensely personal matters, such as the payment of alimony or child support, issues of co-parenting and timesharing with the children, or the division of marital property acquired together over the years. Who knows these issues better, and who knows what is best in your case, than you and your partner? Divorces are rarely free of conflict, but there are ways to positively manage conflict and resolve issues without having to fight in court. At Cortes Hodz Family Law & Mediation, P.A., our Tampa family law attorneys always start from the perspective of resolving conflict without a fight whenever possible. Call our office for a free consultation about obtaining a collaborative divorce and an evaluation of whether the collaborative divorce process may be appropriate in your Florida divorce.

What is collaborative divorce?

Divorcing couples can always collaborate on the outstanding issues in their divorce (child support, child custody, alimony, property division) by negotiating a marital settlement agreement with the help of their attorneys. Some couples choose to use family law mediation as the means to achieve that agreement. Collaborative divorce is yet another process that enables couples to reach an agreement regarding there divorce. However, collaborative divorce involves a more formal structure than negotiations, with a stronger commitment to an out-of-court settlement.

When engaging in collaborative divorce, both spouses and their attorneys all sign on to an agreement to utilize the collaborative process and not to engage in any litigation related to the divorce. Whatever agreement is reached using the collaborative process is binding on the parties and is submitted to the court for approval and implementation. If the collaborative process ends without the parties reaching an agreement, then both lawyers withdraw from representing their clients any further. This leaves the spouses back at the beginning; they will have to get new lawyers and start over with the divorce process, possibly litigating this time.

Because of the way the collaborative divorce process is structured, both spouses and their attorneys are highly motivated to reach an agreement and avoid the additional costs and time delays which will occur if they are unsuccessful. Also during the collaborative process, the parties are encouraged to retain the services of any experts to help them work through the issues in the divorce, such as parent coordinators, forensic accountants, real estate appraisers, etc. Since the spouses are retaining these experts jointly, they will share in the cost and saving money compared to litigation, where each side would typically retain their own independent experts.

Is collaborative divorce right for us?

You’ve made the decision to end your marriage, and you’re committed to getting divorced with dignity and respect for each other. Collaborative divorce can help you achieve that end. If, on the other hand, the spouses are hostile or combative or simply can’t communicate constructively with each other, the collaborative process is unlikely to yield results. The Tampa divorce lawyers at Cortes Hodz Family Law & Mediation, P.A. are specially trained in collaborative divorce as well as mediation. We can help you determine if the collaborative process is right for you, and if it is, we’ll be dedicated to making the collaborative process successful in the best interests of you, your spouse and your children.

For Help in Choosing Collaborative Divorce in Tampa or Hillsborough County, Call the Dedicated Family Lawyers at Cortes Hodz Family Law & Mediation, P.A.

To learn more about collaborative divorce and discuss whether collaborative divorce is appropriate in your Tampa divorce, call the family law attorneys at Cortes Hodz Family Law & Mediation, P.A. at 813-514-0909 for a free, initial consult. We’ll help you achieve the divorce that is right for you.

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